
Anna, Ukrainian Woman from Zaporizhzhia, speaking English, Russian ID:17109

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Age33 Scorpio
Born inZaporozhe, Ukraine
Height169 cm
Weight60 kg
Hair Colourblond
Eye Colourgray-blue
Last Visit2024-09-18

Marital StatusSingle
Children in householdNo
Children in household
Children wantedYes
EducationCollege DEP/DEC (vocational/technical)

About myself...
My name is Anna, I am a beautiful single girl with gray blue eyes and blond hair from Zaporozhye, Ukraine. I was born in Zaporozhye, Ukraine.
Education: Technical.
I am a diverse personality, striving for a healthy lifestyle, kind, open, sincere, purposeful, with humor and love for life, it is expressed in the mission to help people, not just walk the earth ...

I deeply believe in God, but do not count myself among some confessions.
I'm looking for a serious relationship with the dating agency CQMI in Ukraine.
Hobbies and Interests
I'm interested in a lot of things... I dream of going around the world, I love sports, dancing, nature, flowers, photography, swimming in the sea, and just a long walk. I'm ready to learn foreign languages.
Searching for...
I dream to meet a man who knows what he wants in life, who is also looking for his love for life, with an inner core, who has made himself and continues to develop and at the same time he is gentle and kind, respects and does not offend people, generous, sincere, loves to travel and with a fine sense of humor.....
Age: 33-40 years.
Height: 180-190 cm.
Presence of children: without children.
Religion: ideally, if there is a belief in God and meritorious deeds, but not a denomination.

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