Meet your CQMI assistant in Kiev - October 14th 2016

This is the big day! We are all in Kiev for the October 2016 CQMI romantic trip in Ukraine. The atmosphere is palpable in the group and visible on those beautiful images filmed at the hotel booked by our international dating agency. The meeting with your assistant evening has several functions, starting with founding a team spirit among the participants rather than a competitive spirit. The strength is in the team rather than individuals. This is also the time to get to know your translator who will accompany you to your meetings with Ukrainian women you have chosen. The more your assistant knows you the more she will be able to help you to define the ideal characteristics of your future spouse. This evening that occurs immediately after your arrival at the hotel is also incidentally the opportunity for Borislava to make final adjustments with her French-Spanish-Russian professional team. Ready for new love affairs in Ukraine?

Traveling in groups means taking advantage of the energy of a group

We cannot say it enough, the exceptional results of the Summer romantic trip is also the result of a working group that includes both our team of French teachers, customers and the management team. The group generates positive energy that can be very effective in helping you succeed.

Your best assistant identifies your needs and you will be more effective at meetings

As Borislava said in her speech, do not be afraid to ask the important questions for you, even the ones that make you uncomfortable. We are here to help you. Be direct with your assistant because she must understand who you are and your real needs. You have to free yourself completely to succeed in your meetings because she will be your ally.

Sylvain from last summer offers flowers to his assistants

You've all seen the video of this summer with Sylvain, who was present at the evening banquet in Kiev. It was the nice surprise of the evening of October 14, 2016 with Sylvain who came to offer a bouquet of flowers to his favorite assistants who helped him last summer in Kiev. Is it not also a way to pass the baton to our new team of October?


Additional Info

  • Language: Speech in french and Russian
  • Translation ID: 438,440