Meetings in Kiev, syndrome of toys' store

When you arrive in Ukraine you will certainly have some feelings similar to a child who discovers for the first time in his life a toys’ store. You will have a huge success with Ukrainian women in a very short period of time. This will force you to make choices. How to manage the stress associated with this firework of emotions? We will give you some advices. In the second part you will discover Alice, a sophisticated Ukrainian woman who is able to mix beauty, feminity and simplicity. Please try to avoid any assumption about Ukrainian women!

Psychology: syndrome of toys store

Have you ever witnessed a child who discovers a toys’ store for the first time? First silence, then enthusiasm, nervous explosion, and inability to make a choice and a terrible end with tears and nervous breakdown. Indeed, it can be far from the happiness first expected. What’s really happening in the brain of a man who arrives in Kiev and who has to face such a large panel of possibilities? In Canada, from a legal standpoint you can be married to only one person J

All clients ask:

Antoine, it’s too difficult to make a choice, how can I choose? These women are all prettier and interesting one another.

We recommend you to keep your head on your shoulder and your feet grounded on earth. The more you prepare seriously your future trip in Ukraine, the more you will put some chances on your side to succeed. Isolate yourself, learn to have some centration, write your objective on a sheet of paper and try to visualize your future wife. The more you define your objective before your trip to Ukraine, the easier it will be for you to stay focused.

Interview with Alice:

Alice's profile, ukrainian woman feminine and sohisticated

We already discussed this thematic in many previous articles: please do not place any wrong idea in the head of these Ukrainian women that you meet. Do not make any assumptions and do not project your own fears. Beauty and feminity are not incompatible with simplicity and life in the nature. Alice explains her rural roots in Uzbekistan.  She actually prefers to live in the nature in a house. However, you can really see that this woman is pretty, educated, maybe even sophisticated.


Additional Info

  • Language: Interview in English avec sous-titres français
  • Translation ID: 304